Update Tuesday June 13, 2006

Just a quick update on my liver ultra sound.  The test was negative for any abnormalities, which is great.  We will still be testing for the reason why the counts are still high in the liver functions.

Today I went in for a consult with Dr. Goodman, my oncologist.  We reviewed my reports and are ready to go to the second round of chemo therapy.  I will go to radiation treatment early, 7:45 AM and then go to the chemo lab at 8:30 AM.  It will take about 4-5 hours.  The best part about going in so early is that I can choose any chair I want and this time I will get the chair closest to the bathroom.  I had to go about 15 times in the last round and I had a cool chair with the best TV but it was the farthest from the bathroom.  I hope I don’t have to beat up any senior citizens for the best chair! 

I am starting on some pain medication to help manage the pain in my throat and mouth.  Normally, I refuse to take any kind of pain meds because I don’t like the feeling of being out of control.  This time, I am trusting the doctors, my wife, my nurse friends and you guys.  It hurts and I need to manage it so I am taking it.  Pray for healing so I can get off the meds as soon as possible.  Thank you all for your continued support in prayer and fellowship.  More updates to come.

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. jayjoy16
    Jun 14, 2006 @ 00:47:00

    thanks for keeping us updated mike! i hope you get your chair (and that no none gets hurt in the process) =). i love how you see the positive in things like having to get up early. definitely you’re in our prayers. my roomates and i prayed for you last night.


  2. blesseddaily
    Jun 15, 2006 @ 03:42:00

    i finally got the link to your site, yeah! Watch out for those senior citizens they will be there at 8am for a 12pm appointment because they want the good chair too, nah-nah-nah. you’ve been in our prayers and you should know how inspiring you and your ohana are, keep inspiring! And don’t worry about taking the meds– take it from someone who went from kidney stones to car accident, you take it to get through but you’ll know when to stop. Much Aloha, the Milistefr’s
    if you need reading material check us out @ http://blesseddaily.typepad.com


  3. jayjoy16
    Jun 18, 2006 @ 02:00:00

    aw man mike, you and jody both have been through the wringer. just got your e-mail update and i can’t tell you how much i appreciate your effort to keep us updated. i’ve been checking your xanga every day, but figured you weren’t up to the task . . . jody, you are an amazingly strong woman! i’m praying a lot for you specifically. love, jess


  4. jayjoy16
    Jun 18, 2006 @ 02:05:00

    btw, i think i’m really wimpy. =) i’m almost completely fine now as far as my infection (it was a staph infection). and i won’t be getting a shot tomorrow, ptl!


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