It’s been awhile….

Yes it has.  To tell you the truth there hasn’t been much to update until now.  As I last told you my next appointments would be for a PET scan, a full body high intensity x-ray and an MRI.  Well, last Tuesday I had my PET scan which went well except it took longer to finish than I remember the last one did.  Results usually take a few days and I was scheduled to review the two results with Dr. L in early September.  Thursday rolls along and I went to my MRI appointment.  Remember the last time when I had an MRI and had a bad reaction to the contrast they injected into me for the x-ray?  Well, I told the x-ray tech that I was allergic to the gadolinium die and he said “you didn’t get the pre-med?  I told him no, no one mentioned anything about pre-meds.  He explained that I still needed the gadolinium for the MRI, but that I was supposed to have some counter acting pre-med before I got there.  Anyway, my appointment was canceled and I was instructed to contact Dr. L for further instruction.  I decided to stop by her office at St. Rose radiation because I wanted to weight myself on the electronic scale and I figured I could talk to her about the gadolinium because I was not real keen about getting injected with something I am allergic to and landed me in the ER the last time I took it.  Dr. L was in and I told her about the MRI appointment.  She was not to sure about pre-meds for something I am allergic too and then told me some great news.  Dr. L said that I could just skip the MRI because she had just finished reviewing my PET scan and it was so clean, she said she did not need to see an MRI.  Dr. L offered her hand in congratulations and told me the cancer is no where to be found in my full body scan!  I actually was stunned to hear that, I guess deep inside I was prepared for round two of the treatment that was mentioned in the beginning.  Wow, what great news, thank you God for continuing to surprise me in so many awesome ways. 

I will still have to get a CT scan done instead of the MRI, to check my brain area.  Dr. L is confident there is nothing there, just a precaution.  I don’t have the date yet however I will update everyone when I do.

I am continuing using my feeding tube until my throat gets better.  It is still very hard to swallow so that will take time.  The pain is all but gone and I am reducing the pain patch slowly so as to not get anymore withdrawal problems.  I am also eating very soft foods and some soup.  Thank you all for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. jayjoy16
    Aug 28, 2006 @ 15:48:00

    hey mike, i was just praying for you the other day b/c i realized you still need our prayers even though the cancer’s “gone” and you’re not updating as much. it’s almost unbelievable that it is! it HAS to be because of God. anyways, thanks for updating and praise the Lord that you didn’t have to get a mri!!


  2. jessica_tekawa
    Sep 01, 2006 @ 00:09:00

    you got a profile pic!! good job!


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