Prayer Request

Today I will be going to Kaiser x-ray to get an ultra sound of my liver.  This is a continuation of my earlier tests to try to pinpoint the reason my liver is acting up. My appointment time is 8:30 AM at Kaiser Hayward.

Last week Friday my chemo treatment doctor met with me, ordered tests, reviewed prior tests and basically told me that he is stumped as to why my liver is acting up.  Dr. Goodman told me that he would order an ultra sound at x-ray and it looked like there was a two week backlog of appointments.  I tried to get an appointment Monday morning but no one would answer the phone, I left a message and no one called back.  Today, I tried again to make an appointment and this time I waited on hold for 25 minutes until someone picked up!  When I told the medical clerk of my pending doctors’ request, she told me the first available appointment was July….then she said “you’re so lucky, I see an opening tomorrow if you want.”  I told her that I would gladly take the appointment and also said “there is no such thing as lucky in my life, I rely on faith.” and she said “Amen to that.”

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see

Hebrews 11:1

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