Feeling Weak, Doing Better

Thank you very much for your responses, e-mails, calls, cards, letters, scripture and prayers.  I look forward to each day bringing something new to read or open.

Today is a better day.  I have been weak and end up sleeping or just laying down a lot.  My body has taken a toll and I just have to rest.  I lost a few more pounds although I am eating what I am supposed to. 

The chemo treatment is still doing its thing and I know it all has to do with why I feel lousy.  Plus radiation is going strong and the two combined are really tough. 

One thing I must apologize for is not getting back to each of you right away when you write.  I read everything and truly appreciate all you write. It’s just tiring sometimes to write back right away.  I know you all understand.  More updates to follow.

Trusting Him,

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. jayjoy16
    Jun 21, 2006 @ 17:18:00

    PLEASE don’t feel like you have to respond or write back . . . that’s not why we write (to get a response). Thanks just for doing the updates.


  2. LwrnceYano
    Jun 23, 2006 @ 23:26:00

    HI Mike, Thank you for all the updates. However, I agree, don’t even try to respond to everyone and don’t feel guilty if you are too tired to write anything. Your job is to rest in the Lord, let the meds and the Lord do the healing. Theres lots in His Word about “Resting in the Lord”. Ps 3 7:7- Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Matt 11:28-29: Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and You shall find rest for your soul. Take care,it sounds really tough, we are praying for Gods healing while you are resting in Him. Ellen Yano


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